A Redemptive Quality About Zombie:*


Zombie wants to eat you.  If you make noise or show yourself or in any other way make your presence known to Zombie, he/she will come after you.
Zombie will not turn and say, "Hey guys, look what I found, come with me!" 
Zombie will not wait and see if his/her friends are into it. 
Zombie will not say to him/herself, "Well, everyone else is just standing around... I might look stupid if I start doing something else."
If you see Zombie walking around in a group, don't be misled!  He's not there to show off his latest outfit or sweetest moves.  
Zombie wants to eat you.  
It just so happens his accomplices have similar goals.

Maybe we should all learn a lesson here.  To you dependents, I'm not saying be disobedient.  You don't know when you might need help...  and chances are it's far more often than you realize! 
To those of you with dependents, I'm not saying be negligent.  Don't act like it's just you.  People need you... and not just your money.
I'm saying if you have a goal, and you want it, don't worry about whether or not it's trendy or your friends do it or if it's what is expected of you.  
Go after it! 
Don't waste your time doing things that everyone around you does if it's not something you want for yourself or your life.  Someday, it might be entirely up to you to get what you want and need in this life!
You better start learning how!

*entire subject matter of this and any related post is hypothetical and therefore validity of statements herein has never been proven in a scientific or any other manner.  If you attempt to argue with me on this or any related topic, you are acting outside the bounds of logic and may be ignored.


Dirty fan...


WRiTE CLUB 2012! (a contest)