April 11th - J


Jade Empire (2005 Bioware) - I don't remember a whole lot about this game except that it was awesome.  Same developers that brought you Dragon Age, Mass Effect and Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Shockingly, I don't own this soundtrack.  But I'm about to.
And who can deny that cover art?  Check out the guy!

Special Mentions: Jaws, Joust, Journey


Jimi Hendrix - Of course it's Jimi Hendrix for J day.  I'm a lefty guitarist.  Here's a tune for ya!
Journey - They're a close second on my list.  Here's another tune!  Wait. That's probably not the one you're thinking of...  Try this.

Special Mentions: Jane's addiction, Judas Priest, Joan Jett


April 12 - K


April 10th - I